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Ayudanos con los costos de los festivales / Convertite en un productor

Como la mayoría de los festivales de animación del mundo tienen costosas tarifas para participar, necesitamos de tu ayuda para difundir nuestro trabajo. Doná ahora,  convertite en uno de nuestros productores y obtené tus recompensas por ello. 


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Donation / Payment methods:

* Donate in US dollars by Paypal / Credit Card:  

* Doná en Pesos Argentinos a:
* Bank transference: Banco de la Nación Argentina.  Alias: arveja.pileta.lago  to Chantal P. Rosengurt
* Cuenta DNI to: 31491651
* Mercadopago: alias: 
* (Para tener tu Reward doná el valor en pesos correspondiente al valor que figura en dólares a cotización blue)

Please, share the payment receipt and a cuit/cuil number (argentinians only) to, and you will automatically receive a tax receipt after donating.


"To find you" is the new single of this incredible and globally cellebrated Anglo-Greek singer-songwriter. (Awards winner, Leonard Cohen's guest singer, recently shared stage with Andrea Bocelli)

Check out for the release on Athena's Youtube channel!

By creating and mixing colourful oilpainted backgrounds with faceless characters and elements made by paper and origami, which we animated frame by frame in the stop motion technique, we achieved an oneiring yet almoust touchable visual experience. Fortunately, origami designers from all over the world engaged with this project, so together with our team of artists at MASA Animation Studio we got to something we believe is beautiful. We hope you like it too!

Team of artists / Credits:

Script: Chantal Rosengurt & Athena Andreadis

Composition, postproduction and color: Juan Martín Fourcaud

Art direction: Chantal Rosengurt

Photography Director: Ezequiel Laborevich

Script supervisor: Facundo Risso

Storyboard: Carlos Escudero & Chantal Rosengurt

Animatic: Carlos Escudero

Stop Motion Animation: Chantal Rosengurt

Digital Animation: Juan Martín Fourcaud

Colour assistant: Chantal Rosengurt

Origami Maker: Jerónimo Paoletti

Composition, vocals & piano: Athena Andreadis

Electric guitar & cello: Ethan Allen

Upright bass: Jesse Ingalls
Origami designers:

Joost langeveld (Netherland)

The Origami Genious (Canada)

Riccardo Foschi (Italy)

Henry Pham (Vietnam)

Noe Bahena (Mexico)

Sarjigami Origami (Philippines)

Peter Engel (USA)

Wellington Fernando Oliveira (Brasil)


Thanks to: Mariela Anastasio, Fabricio Sola, Silvina Rodríguez Aguilera, Silvia Stiberman, Fiorela Pantanetti; Diego Lacki, Javier Luna Crook; Marcelo Haberman, Sofía Haberman Rosengurt and Benjamín Haberman Rosengurt, Belkis Rogovsky, Gesi Carvalho, Sylvie Epsteyn. 

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